用离子交换树脂从氰化电镀废水和氰化金矿浆中回收金、银的工艺,是目前有效和广泛使用的方法之一。D301-G 是一种大孔结构的弱碱性离子交换树脂,对氰化电镀废水和氰化矿浆里的阴离子金、银络合物,有很强的吸附能力。具有吸附交换容量高(饱和吸附容量是活性炭的4倍以上)、机械强度大、化学稳定性好、抗污染、抗氧化性能优越,还具有选择性好、交换速度快,易洗脱和可以再生循环使用等特点。
Using ion exchange resin to adsorb and recover Gold and Silver from the Cyanideelectroplating waste water and Cyanide pulp is the most effective and most widely used method,D301-G is a macroporous polystyrene-based weak base exchange resin. It has very strong affinities to cyanide gold and silver complex anions. Its capacities for Gold and Silver are very high( over 4 times higher then these of Activated Carbon). And also, this resin has good mechanical strength, good chemical stability, good organic fouling oxidation resistance. The resin has high selectivities for Gold and Silver. And finally, the resin has a good dynamic property, can be easily regenerated.
▲企业标准(Enterprise Standard)