发电厂锅炉蒸汽凝结水回收已经得到广泛应用,为水资源的充分回收利用做出了重要贡献。但是,由于强碱性阴离子交换树脂的高使用温度限制(OH-型,60°C), 蒸汽凝结水的温度一般需要冷却至50C左右才能进入离子交换系统进行精制处理。不但损失了大量的热能,而且在缺水地区也会引起不便。苏青集团经过多年潜心研究,开发出了可以在较高水温下(80"C以上)长期稳定运行的耐温型SQD-253G强碱阴离子交换树脂,与SQD-053G阳离子交换树脂一起对锅炉凝结水进行精处理,不但节约了大量的冷却水,而且回收了大量的热能,节能减排效益非常显著。
The boiler steam condensate from power plants has now been widely recovered. However,because the strong anion exchange resin's maximum operation temperature cannot be over 60"C,the condensate has to be cooled to about 50"Cbefore entering the polishing system. After many years dedicated study, Suqing Group developed and manufactured SQD-253G strong anion exchange resin, which can be used stably at elevated temperatures (e.g, 80C and over). Together with SQD-053G cation exchange resin, the steam condensate is polished. Not only a large amount of cooling water can be saved, but also a lot of energy can be recovered. The cost saving is very obvious.
▲企业标准(Enterprise Standard)
SQD-053GQ/320281NAN 53-2018
SQD-253GQ/320281NAN 54-2018
▲树脂再生方法(Regeneration Method)
SQD-053G and SQD-253G are used in the condensate polisher. The resins have been regenerated before shipping out. They can be used directly. After the resins are exhausted, do the regeneration by the same method as that of general mixed bed resins.
25Kg、25L 编织涂膜袋,或1立方大包。
25Kg, 25L woven coating bag, or 1 cubic bag.